Pi Daojian 2009-02-19
South China Normal University,

Conducted in Mandarin
“Since Liberation [1949], the city of Wuhan in Hubei Province has had a high concentration of institutions of higher learning… In this regard one might say that [during the 1980s] it was a place where many young intellectuals congregated, particularly at Wuhan University, which boasts a long history. Young people from these institutions often came together to exchange ideas…and that was how we formed our circle. This I believe was an important resource, and this was also why Art Trends [Meishu sichao] magazine appeared in Hubei… I think this was an important reason.”
Pi Daojian (b. 1941, Hubei Province) is an art critic and expert in contemporary Chinese ink painting.
Pi became a teacher at the Hubei Institute of Fine Arts where he also received his postgraduate degree in the History of Art in 1981. During the 1980s, he helped establish Art Trends (Meishu sichao) and became the assistant chief editor of the magazine. Since 1992, Pi has been a professor in the Art Department of Southern China Normal University in Guangzhou. In recent years, Pi has focused his research on contemporary ink painting about which he writes and lectures widely.