Shao Hong 2007-10-26
Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts

Conducted in Mandarin
“This was a time when we were more closed off from the rest of the world, but the advantage was that we could be more focused. We usually shared information about the books we were reading, but whatever the topic, our discussions were always very heated. Looking back, our arguments seem to have been very purist. I think we were most strongly influenced by modern Western philosophy, particularly the period from Freud to Sartre.”
Shao Hong (b. Hubei Province) is an art historian and Professor of Art History at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
In the 1980s, Shao studied art history with Professor Qi Ke in the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts.
Some of his notable publications include Art History and Its Significance (Yishushi de Yiyi) (2001), Art History and Its Conceptions (Meishushi de guannian) (2003) and The Extended Meaning of Qi Yun: Studying the History of Chinese Painting Theory (Yanyi de ‘qiyun’: zhongguo hualun de guannianshi yanjiu) (2005).