Song Yonghong 2009-07-11
Song Yonghong's Studio,

Song Yonghong (b. 1966, Hubei) is an artist living and working in Beijing.
Inspired by his elder brother Song Yongping, Song began to paint from an early age, and in 1984, enrolled into the Printmaking Department at the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (ZAFA, now the China Academy of Art) in Hangzhou.
In Shanxi, Song, one of the youngest artists of the ’85 New Wave, collaborated with his brother on a performance piece sometimes translated as The Experience of Vision (Yige yingxiang de tiyan) in 1986. In 1988, before graduating from ZAFA, Song created his Campus Life series, an important milestone in his art development and which featured key elements of his later signature style—distorted human figures and voyeuristic scenes. After graduation, Song became a teacher in the Beijing College of Arts and Crafts, and since 1997 has been a full-time professional artist.