Li Xiaoshan 2009-03-05
Nanjing Square Gallery of Contemporary Art, Nanjing

Li Xiaoshan (b. 1957) is an art critic and Director of the Nanjing Square Gallery of Contemporary Art.
Between 1980 and 1987, Li studied as an undergraduate and postgraduate at the Nanjing Arts Institute. He has taught at the school since his graduation and is now its Deputy Director of Contemporary Art Research.
In July 1985, Li published the controversial article titled 'My View on Contemporary Chinese Painting' in the Jiangsu Pictorial (Jiangsu huakan) about the state of Chinese ink painting at that time. The article aroused much debate and became one of the most important critical essays of the 1980s. Li’s other published works include History of Painting in China (Zhongguo xiandai huihua shi) (1986), What Are We Facing? (Women miandui shenme) (2002), and The Epic of the Trojan Horse (Muma shishi) (2003), to name a few.